Busted Buns Sled Rides (often abbreviated to BBSR) is a fictitious sledding resort which was the brainchild of Brian and Heidi Tweedt. Originally called Busted’ Butts Sled Rides, the name was softened to “Busted’ Buns” at some point in the late 1980’s.
Of course, the hill had been sledded for generations during winter. But with the advent of plastic sleds and a growing passion for the rush of sledding, Brian & Heidi figured out that sledding was just as fun on pine needles as it was on the snow. Or maybe even more so, because you could steer your sled more accurately. And thus the resort was born with a little imagination and some sweat equity.
Three simple “sled tows” were added with pulleys and rope to take the sleds to the top, the first one in September 1987 with the final one completed in November 1987. Paths and outdoor stairways were constructed to make walking up the hill a little easier. A mattress was buried to make the landing on Five Foot Fallout a little softer. And a plywood board was added to make a jump to create Airborne I.
And when it snowed, more runs were made. Snow jumps were built, berms were created to direct the sleds, and snow was packed to make it faster.
Many hours were spent sledding, but part of the fun was locating new runs, drawing trail maps, making brochures and newsletters, issuing tickets, checking out sleds, making t-shirts, and overall, just pretending to run a resort. And then there were the videos. So many videos. Oh, and don’t forget about BigFoot.
We have archived some of the glory years of BBSR here on this site so future generations can enjoy the sledding and the magic that is BBSR. May the spirit of BBSR live on.